Sometime mistakes can happen and a day gets marked as checked or the week is certified before you realise this. 

Based on user access, there will be some users who can amend that day or week. 

To "Uncheck" or "Un-certify" the employee's timesheet, you begin from Time and Attendance module, Process Time and Attendance Timesheets

Click on Time and Attendance and then Process Time and Attendance Timesheets.


Select your branch, pay group and pay period and then click Run Timesheet to view all employees. 

You can use the department filter if you would like to see specific departments only. 

You must select your employee you wish to correct by clicking on the name of the employee in TnA Summary screen. It will open the timesheet the employee's timesheet. 

*Note: If an employee does not show up in the timesheets it means: the employee was not shifted AND did not clock in the period. 


Unchecking a Day

Let's use the example that the employee's Normal Time needs adjusting as the employee left early, the employee should not be getting the full 8 hours for the day. 

There are 2 ways to re-do the exception: 

1. Transferring the Shift to put it back to it's original format

            Transferring a shift means that any shift assignments you posted will be transferred with the shift change. 

Click Edit on the day you wish to change, in the example, Wednesday 21st has been selected. 

PLEASE NOTE: Night Shift employees - their shift must be deleted from Left to Right. As an example, if the employee is shifted for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - the shifts must be transferred or removed from Friday to Wednesday. 

The Timesheet Modal Window will pop up. You will click on Transfer Shift.

Select the exact same shift the employee was on from the New Shift drop-down.

Click on Confirm when you have selected the shift. 

This will revert the changes originally made and put the day back as it was before the exception was made. 

You can now re-manage the exception (User Guide - Managing Exception with 1 Clocking) and check the day again once you have corrected it. 

2. Managing Exception by clicking Edit

Click Edit on the day you wish to change, in the example, Wednesday 21st has been selected. 

The Timesheet Modal Window will pop up. You will click Yes to Manage Exception?

You can then manage the exception again by adding in the exception type and reason for exception. 

Click on Earning Rates and update the hours that have been allocated to what you require. 

Before the change: 

After the change: 

Once you are happy with the changes, click Save Exception. 

The employee's hours will now be updated and the day can be marked as checked again. 

Un-certifying the Week

Where a week has been certified, only users who have access to Approve timesheets will be able to override the certified week. 

To un-certify the week, the same steps apply as above when it comes to unchecking the day. 

Once one day has been unchecked, the week will un-certify automatically. This does not mean that every day in the week has been unchecked, only the one day selected. 

*Note: If the entire week's days need to be changed, every day in that week needs to be unchecked. 

This means that if changes need to happen on Wednesday to Friday as per the above example, then all 3 days need to be unchecked so the changes can be made. From here, the user will need to check and certify again. 

Before the day has been unchecked:

The day or days are unchecked, the week in-certifies. 

After the day has been unchecked: