1. Login to UNIS

  2. Use your employee number as the user name, and the password you setup on the system


Open User Module to View Employees

The user list will open and show you the active and incomplete employees. 

Employees highlighted in yellow, do not have fingerprints enrolled. 

Employees shown in white, have fingerprints enrolled. 


Finding the Employee

To search for an employee click Find,

You can search for the employee's name or employee code: 

To search for the name - type employee name (or part thereof) and click Find. 

Ensure that the Find Option has Name selected 

To search for the employee code - type employee code (or part thereof) and click Find. 

Ensure that the Find Option has Employee ID selected 

Once you have found your employee, double click on the employee's name to open the user profile. 

Terminating Employee on UNIS

In the user's profile, you will select the drop-down for Access Group

Select option 9999: Terminated

Once you have selected it, click on Modify

The employee will need to be sent to the terminals so that it can update the information - "How To" Send Employees to Terminal

Once you have set an employee to terminated, they will no longer be able to use the access or time and attendance points at the company.