There are many areas within EDMA Time and Attendance where you can manage an exception; from the dashboard under clocking issues, in Daily Timesheet Check and in Process Time and Attendance Timesheets.
Here we will be managing the exception from Time and Attendance module, Process Time and Attendance Timesheets.
Click on Time and Attendance and then Process Time and Attendance Timesheets.
Select your branch, pay group and pay period and then click Run Timesheet to view all employees.
You can use the department filter if you would like to see specific departments only.
You must select your employee you wish to correct by clicking on the name of the employee in TnA Summary screen. It will open the timesheet the employee's timesheet.
*Note: If an employee does not show up in the timesheets it means: the employee was not shifted AND did not clock in the period.
Managing Exception with 1 Clocking
Managing an exception allows the user the ability to pay to an earning or allowance manually, overriding the shift calculation. It is usually used for correcting the timesheet of an employee that transacted incorrectly or forgot to clock for whatever reason.
It is important to note that the exception modal window shows the user where an employee has transacted in late or has lost time. This lost time should be deducted from the paid hours entered. Lost time is the time an employee is late, takes an extended break or has left early for the day.
Where this is an exception or error in the day, EDMA displays a red clock
To fix this exception, you will click on the red clock
The exception modal window will pop up with various details like employee code, name & date of day you are editing.
It displays the shift the employee is scheduled to, and the hours of that shift.
Where it says Manage Exception?; click YES.
You will need to Add Exception reason. Standard company exceptions are configured on the system to label exceptions that have occurred. Labeling the exception enables managers to review employee reporting and review trends that may occur.
In this example, the employee forgot to clock out so "Forgot to Clock" has been selected.
You must then write a reason for why this employee did not clock out.
Click on the Earning Rates drop-down to insert the relevant hours.
General Earning Types:
- NT = Normal Time
- OT1.5 = Overtime 1.5
- SUN = Sunday 2.0
- PHNT = Public Holiday Normal Time 1.0
- WPH = Worked Public Holiday 2.0
In this example, the employee normal time hours are 8.
Once you are happy with your changes, click Save Exception
This exception reason will display on the timesheet as an abbreviation of the reason that may be hovered over and see the reason and which user added it.
*Note: You can also insert transactions should your user group have access to this. Please see User Guide - Inserting Manual Transactions