Sending Employees to Terminals (Devices)
Once you have updated the employee's authentication details in UNIS, you will need to send the employee's new information to the device.
Select the employee/s you wish to send the device. You will select these employees from the User screen, clicking in the "C" column and choosing your employee/s.
Click Main Menu and under User click on Send to Terminal.
The devices that are online and are connected to UNIS will automatically be selected and indicated with a BLUE tick. If the device is not online it will not be selected.
Click on Send.
The system will start to process the action.
The employee's access group will determine which devices he/she can clock on. The number of employees selected is displayed and processed. (Delete: X) indicates how many employees were successfully sent. If it says (Delete: 0) it means all employees have been successfully sent to the devices.
The employees who are not sent to the terminal due to their access group will show (Delete: X), X being the number of employees who were not sent to the terminals.
In the below example, 1 employee was not sent to the terminal.
- Error 1010 - this indicates a network error and the processing has timed out. To rectify, stabilise internet source and try again.
- Error 5013/5012 - the devices are full and need to be cleared. In order to rectify, set employees who have left to 9999: Terminated access group. This will clear up space on the device.
Should you need further assistance from here - please contact