Updating Existing Employee Details


When you need to update employee code for EDMA, you first need to update the employee code on your respective biometric software. 

Step 1: Update the employee details on biometric software.

Step 2: Depending on your biometric software, you may have to ask help@edma.cloud to manually import the employee/s. 

Step 3: The employee will import to Human Resources >> Employee Management. They will be sitting under incomplete. Make the employee Active. 


Here is a link on how to update employee information - "How To" Update Incomplete Employees.

Step 4: Terminate the incorrect employee code from EDMA.

Below are examples from the biometric software:



Update the Employee ID, you also have the opportunity to update their other details like branch, department and job titles. Once you have updated the code, click Modify

Once you have updated the code, you will need to request help@edma.cloud to import the employee.

The reason for this is - the UNIS ID (eg; 00000020) is already registered in the system with the old code.     In order for it to be created as a new code, it needs to be manually re-imported with the new employee information into EDMA, and the employee will sit under incomplete. 


Update the Unique ID, click on Duplicate Check and click Save.

Alpeta will automatically import the new employee information into EDMA, and the employee will sit under incomplete. 


Update the Unique ID first. 

Click on Extra Data, update the Employee Code. Click Save.

Once you have updated the Unique ID and Employee code, you will need to request help@edma.cloud to import the employee.