Go into Human Resources, click on Employee Management.
View Incomplete Employees
Click on the Viewing Active drop-down, select View Incomplete to get a list of employees that have been added to the biometric system and pulled into EDMA and need to have their HR record completed before their timesheet is accessible. A full list of all incomplete employees will show in this list, once they have been completed, they will fall off the list and the list will return no further results if all incompletes have been actioned.
NB: Employees must be made active so you can schedule and process their timesheets.
Update Incomplete Employee Details
Once the user has selected the employee, everything with a red asterisks must be completed.
Click on the Name to open the HR Record.
Complete all areas where there is a red asterisk * to make the employee active.
The below areas must be completed in order to make the employee active:
- Last name
- Initials
- Title
- Full Names
- Known As
- Ethnic Group
- Date of Birth
- Nationality
- Disability
- Gender
- Race
- Spoken Language
- Birth Country
- Country of Citizenship
- Department (this may have imported from your biometric system)
- Contract Type
- Emp Start Date
- Branch (this may have imported from your biometric system)
- Labour Union
- Job Title (this may have imported from your biometric system)
- Pay Group
- Is this a Contractor?
- If you are loading a permanent employee - you will click NO.
- If you are loading a labour broker/external contractor employee - you will click YES and assign the company name.
Example of Permanent Employee
Example of Labour Broker/ Contractor Employee
Once all criteria is compelted, you will click Update Employee
TIP: To find the most recently added employees, click on the down-arrow in the top right-hand side of the filtering list.
You can also search for the employee name or code under the incomplete section.