Go into Human Resources, click on Employee Management.
Employee list viewing options
This function allows the user the view all employees, the page default opens on the Active Employees list, however the user can search for any department, job title, pay group, individual employees etc.
View Active Employees
Once the user has chosen the user search criteria and filtered by employee or branch, department etc. a complete list of active employees in those parameters, will be returned, from here the user can access all information that has been added to EDMA for a range of employees.
In this example we have used the following search criteria; Department: Admin, Job Title: Payroll Admin
To select an individual employee, the user will click on the employee’s name/ employee code or department and their HR Record will open.
Click on the Viewing Active drop-down to select other employee views.
View Incomplete Employees
Employees are pulled in from Alpeta/ Integr8/ UNIS. It's imported with basic employee information, often the employee code and name and surname.
Click on the Viewing Active drop-down, select View Incomplete to get a list of employees that have been added to the biometric system and pulled into EDMA and need to have their HR record completed before their timesheet is accessible. A full list of all incomplete employees will show in this list, once they have been completed, they will fall off the list and the list will return no further results if all incompletes have been actioned.
NB: Employees must be made active so you can schedule and process their timesheets.
View Terminated Employees
Click on the Viewing Active drop-down, select View Terminated button to get a list of employees that have been terminated on EDMA. The list of terminations is only viewable based on user access permissions. If an employee was terminated from a department that the user does not have access to, the user will not see this terminated person in his/her list.
View and Update Existing Employee Details
By clicking on the Employee’s name in the Employee List, the user can access full employee details. If the user has the need to update any of this information, the user can simply click on the item that needs updating. Areas that are greyed out cannot be edited from this Employee Summary Screen.
By clicking on the various tabs, the user will be able to edit employee’s details;
- Personal Details
- Identification
- Contact Details
- Address
- Bank Details
- Tax Information
- Documents; sick notes, certificates, licenses, passports, identification documents
- Skills; specific skill certifications
Once the user has updated the employee’s information, the user will click Update Employee button
By selecting Identification in the employee’s record, user can add identification number, passport number or visa number.
Fill in all the fields marked with a red asterisk and click Add Identification.
Once successful, a green flag will appear, and the identification type will be added to the list. You can add as many as and when it is needed.
This function allows the user to add all employee’s contact information, personal and emergency contacts, next of kin etc.
The user will need to add:
- Contact Type – this could be the personal number of the employee, next of kin or any other contact details needed,
- Name – name of the person whose contact number it is,
- Contact Detail – the telephone number,
- Is this a Primary Contact? – is the telephone number you have added the main contact number for relevant employee, Yes or No.
Once the user is satisfied with these details, click Add Contact.
The user can add as many contact details as necessary,
In this field a user can add the various addresses of the employee selected.
The user will need to fill in the required fields marked with a red asterisk;
- Address Type – this is to clarify whether this is the employee’s personal home address, work address or other address’,
- Street Number
- Street Name
- Suburb
- City
- Post Code
- Country
- Is this the Primary Address? - is this address you have added the main address for relevant employee, Yes or No?
- Unit Number
- Complex Name
Once you have filled in all the relevant information, click Add Address, and the employee’s address details will drop-down into the list.
Bank Details
Click on the Bank Details tab to allow the user to add in the employee’s bank details, users can add as many bank details as needed, if they should change.
All fields that are marked with a red asterisk are required, once the user is satisfied with this information, click Add Bank.
Tax Details
Click on Tax Details in the employee record, this function allows the user to add tax details for the selected employee. This is their Income Tax Number. Once the user has added in the information, click Add Tax.
This function allows the user to add any documentation associated with the employee. Each company has its own required documentation that will need to be added but there are some common documents for all.
These documents include,
- Employment Contract – Permanent or Fixed Term
- Identification Document
- Driver’s License
- Warnings (1st, 2nd, Final)
- Clinic Notes
- Leave Request Forms
- Skill Certification
Some document types do not have start and end dates, these may include the following,
- Employment Contract – Permanent
- Identification Document
- Clinic Notes
- Leave Request Forms
Step 1: Fill in the Document Name and Document Type from the drop-down menu,
Step 2: Upload the Document.
Select Choose File, select the file that needs to be uploaded from the computer, click Open, then click Upload Document.
Once the document has been successfully saved, it will drop to the list at the bottom.
Some document types do have start and end dates, these may include the following,
- Employment Contract – Fixed Term
- Driver’s License
- Passports
- Visas
- Warnings (1st, 2nd, Final)
Step 1: Fill in the Document Name and Document Type from the drop-down menu,
Step 2: Fill in the Start & End Date for the document. Select the date in Start Date, find the date applicable and click Apply, repeat this process for End Date.
Step 3: Upload the Document.
Select Choose File, select the file that needs to be uploaded from the computer, click Open, then click Upload Document.
Once the document has been successfully saved, it will drop to the list at the bottom.
The Employee’s HR Record will continue to grow as the user adds more documents. Users have the ability to access this HR record and all its documents at any time. If the user has been granted access, they can download the documents to the computer at any time.
To download the document, simply click on the Download button and the file will export automatically into the computer Downloads Folder.
Please Note: A user will only be able to REMOVE documents if they have been given access, this is not available for every user and the company must verify who can have this access.
This function allows the user to add Skill Certificates to the employee’s HR Record, the user can add in the dates of validity for the certificate and a notification will pop up on the dashboard when the certificate expires. This function is not applicable to all companies, as each company will have its own set of skills.
To add skills to the HR Record, the user will follow similar steps to adding documents.
Step 1: Select the Skill Type from the drop-down menu,
Step 2: Select the Date,
Select Start Date, this is the date the certificate was issued. Click on the date, select the relevant date and click Apply.
Select End Date, this is the date the certificate will expire. Click on the date, select the relevant date and click Apply.
Step 3: Upload Document.
Select Browse, select the file that needs to be uploaded from the computer, click Open, then click Add File to Upload List.
Once the file has been successfully loaded, it will drop down in the list.
Step 4: Click Add/Upload.
The Skill Certificate will now be added to the HR Record and fall into the list below.
If Skill Certificate is needed at a later stage, the document can be downloaded by clicking on the View Uploaded Docs, click on the Download button and the file will export to your computer’s Downloads folder.
Each Skill will have a drop-down box that shows the validity of the certificate, showing the date of issue and date of expiration.
Please Note: A user will only be able to REMOVE documents if they have been given access, this is not available for every user and the company must verify who can have this access.