Inserting Manual Transactions
Inserting a transaction should only be done if the employee was unable to clock correctly for a valid reason.
*Not all users will have the user access rights to insert transactions
**The employee will need to be shifted first before a transaction can be inserted.
***Once transactions have been inserted they are saved to the shift, the shift must not be deleted as this will revert all inserted transactions back to its original state.
Step 1: Click the Action button, choose between Insert Before or Insert After.
- Insert Before would be used when inserting the IN clocking that is missing
- Insert After would be used when inserting the OUT clocking that is missing
Step 2: Choose which direction the transaction should be by choosing IN or OUT.
Step 3: Input the HH MM time for the transaction.
Step 4: Select the date for this transaction, it will usually be the date above and below the inserted transaction being added however if it is for a night shift transaction, the user must make sure to choose the next day in order for the shift to calculate correctly.
Step 5: If the transaction being inserted relates to a job clocking, the user must choose which job the transaction relates to in the next dropdown under the header “Location”.
If the transaction being inserted does not relate to a job clocking, the user must NOT choose a job, the system will automatically make the transaction being inserted a TNA point.
Step 6: The user must insert a reason for creating this transaction.
Step 7: Click “Save Line” button to save the inserted transaction.
*Note: If the user has made an error by inserting the transaction in the wrong place, the user must click the “Cancel” button to cancel the inserted transaction before it is saved.