Daily Timesheet Check
Please Note: Not all
On the Time & Attendance feature screen, select “Daily Timesheet Check”
This module is a timesheet checking module that allows users that have access to check timesheets, the ability to check the timesheets per day, without limitations of the employees’ Branch, department, and pay group, therefore it allows more flexible viewing of timesheets without going into various pay groups and having to page through individual timesheets, that may take longer to individually check.
1. Daily Timesheet Check Default page load
The Daily timesheet check page will default and pre-load a list of all employees that were either shifted or clocked in or out (transacted) and that the user has access to, for the previous day.
This is because the system only allows a user to check a day once the shift is over, therefore pre-loading the previous day ensures that the user will not try to check the current day.
2. Search filters
Should the user want to filter the information further, he/she will be required to choose filters from the available dropdowns.
Step 1: Select the filter grouping type, example, Branch, Department, pay group etc.
Step 2: Select the filter grouping value type, example, if the user chose a branch, the value for that branch will be the branch name in the next dropdown.
*Note: The user is able to choose one, multiple or All in the value dropdown.
Step 3: Click “Add” button and then “Run Timesheet”
Step 4: A list of all employees linked to the search filters for the previous day, will be displayed.
Step 5: The user may now manage exceptions, allocate leave and check the timesheet data of the employees in the list.
3. Searching for one employee
Searching one employee filter works very closely with display dates, the employee selected
Step 1: Select the filter dropdown called “Search employees”. The user may type the employees name in the search area of the dropdown list, select all or choose the employees name from the list provided in the dropdown.
The employees First Name, Surname and Emp code are displayed in that order.
Step 2: Select the employee, click “Add” button
Step 4: Click “Run Timesheet” button.
*Note: The selected employee may not have transacted on this day and may return the following error message: “No employees available” and no employees will load for this day. The user should then choose a new date to work with for that employee.
4. Sort filters
The user may sort the employee list further using the sort filters above the employee list, on the right-hand side of the page. This will rearrange the employee list according to the sort filter for ease of reference for the user.
5. Working with dates
If the user has not managed to check the timesheets for a week or any other timeframe prior to the previous day, the user may use the calendar picker to choose another date to work with.
Step 1: To choose a new date completely, click in the calendar box where the date is displayed.
Step 2: A calendar date picker will dropdown enabling the user to choose a new date. Click “Apply” once a date has been chosen.
Step 3: The employee list will change to display the new dates’ data.
*Note: the date picker is not the only way to work with dates. The user may choose to scroll through dates as follows
6. Scrolling through calendar dates
1. Selecting the arrow displaying one arrow to the left, on the left of the displayed date, will scroll the calendar to the day before the current displayed date.
2. Selecting the arrow displaying two arrows to the left, on the left of the displayed date, will scroll the calendar over two days before the current displayed date.
3. Selecting the arrow displaying one arrow to the right, on the right of the displayed date, will scroll the calendar to the day after the current displayed date.
4. Selecting the arrow displaying two arrows to the right, on the right of the displayed date, will scroll the calendar to the day after the current displayed date.
7. Error Messages
It is possible that the user selects a day where no employees transacted on or were shifted for. If this happens, the user will notice an amber “Warning” message that will display on the top right-hand corner of the screen.
The error message will display: “No employees available” and no employees will load for this day. The user should then choose a new date to work with.
8. Processing the Daily timesheet
The Daily timesheet check timesheet’s have the same data as the individual timesheets in the process timesheets module, the only difference is that the information is viewed horizontally on a daily basis, enabling the user to view and manage more information per day.
The information displayed is as follows: (Per column From Left to right)
All items underlined are available to click on to view more detailed information.
- All/Tick box: This box is to check the day for the employee (*See further details in the next section)
- Edit Button: The Edit button is used to access the “Edit modal window”
- Employee Code: Employees EE Code
- Name: Employees Name
- Job Title: Employees Job Title
- Department: Employees Department
- Shift: Shift details the employee has been shifted on
- Clocked IN: Displays the first clocking transaction for the day
- Clocked OUT: Displays the last clocking transaction for the day
- Total Time: Total time clock in for the day
- Target Hours: The total time the shift requires the employee to be transacted in for
- Difference: The difference between Target hours and Total time
- Lost Time: Total time that has been lost due Leaving early, clocking in late and extended breaks
- Time on Break: Total time on break (Clocked out)
- Exceptions: Displays an exception tag as Absent, Left early or Late. If a clocking transaction is missing and the timesheet can’t calculate, the red clock button will appear for the user to manage the employees leave or exception or if the employee is not shifted, the shifted for will be blank and the red clock will be available to add the shift
- All other columns are earnings, leave types and allowances based on the company set up and will display the paid hours associated with the relevant earnings, leave and allowances.
9. Checking the day
Once the user has managed all the relevant timesheet data, exceptions, shifts and corrections for the day he/she may check the employee’s timesheet which locks it from further editing as follows.
Step 1: The user may select the employee’s timesheet by clicking the tick box next to the edit button.
*Note: The user may choose one or multiple employees from the list. If the user would like to check the day for all employees that are processed, the user may tick the “All” Box in the header of the tick box column, this will choose only employees that have been processed and will ignore any employees that have an “Exception button” or “Red clock square” on their timesheets.
Step 2: Once ticked a button called “Mark as Checked” will appear in the top left-hand corner above the calendar.
Step 3: Click the “Mark as Checked” button. A confirmation pop-up window will ask the user to confirm by clicking the “Mark as Checked” button again in the modal window.
Step 4: Once the day is checked, the line will be locked, and a little tick will display replacing the tick box and the name of the user that checked the day, will be displayed on the right-hand side of the employee’s timesheet.
10. Exporting the Daily Timesheet Check Data
Once all timesheet data has been managed. The user may export an excel spreadsheet of the timesheet data as it looks on the page.
Step 1: Click “Export to Excel” button
Step 2: Save as: The user may rename the file and choose the folder to save the file to and in which format of excel. Click Save.
Step 3: Open the file to see the data from Daily timesheet check.