Shift/Leave Scheduler
On the Time & Attendance feature screen, select “Shift/Leave Scheduler” button.
The system allows for double shifting on one day. This will allow the user to allocate various scenarios as follows.
- Two shifts on one day back-to-back. Please note this means that the shifts cannot overlap times as each shift has specific rules that must be applied, however the system will understand if you have allocated a shift for first thing in the morning and later in the evening for example if an employee is required on a standby shift or call-out shift for the evening.
- Leave and a shift can be allocated on one day from the scheduler, timesheets or via ESS app.
Applying a leave in single action where a shift already exists
Step 1: The user must click on specific days on the employee’s calendar. Selected dates are highlighted in Pink as shown below.
**Note: The user can click on a day that already has a shift on it by clicking on the shift name to highlight the day and allocate leave on the same day.
Step 2: The user can now apply the leave required by clicking on the “Leave” button. The new Leave Modal window will display as per below. The modal window will still work as it did, the user must either choose Days to allocate, Hours to allocate or Shift hours to allocate.
When selecting DAYS or HOURS, the features are that the user is prompted to “Please enter start time”. This allows the user to be specific when the employees leave time will start.
Step 3: Choose a time to start the leave from, in this instance, the user has chosen to start the leave from 2pm in the afternoon, as it is a half day leave starting from 2pm. Choose time on the clock and choose AM or PM under the chosen time in the header and press ok.
Step 4: The user has 3 options to choose how to allocate the leave hours for the employees leave. In the “Please select how to action this leave” drop-down the following choices apply;
- This means that the user should only choose this option where there is currently NO Shift allocated on the day already. For bulk leave allocations, rather DO NOT use this option as there may be shifts posted for multiple employees.
- This means that there may be shifts on the days that the user is applying the leave too and the user expects that the leave skews the shift times to allow a leave and shift to exist on the same day.
- This means that there may be shifts allocated on the days that leave is now applicable, choosing this option will delete the shift on the days and replace it with leave.
Step 5: The user can now choose the leave type.
Step 6: The user will now see the leave from 14h00 (2pm) posted on the same day as the original shift and the shift is now skewed to show that the employee is expected to finish work at 14h00 (2pm).
Step 7: The user will see the double shifting/ Leave/Shift on one day as follows.
In the employees’ timesheet under Process timesheets. The day will split into two so that the user can clearly see the transactions associated to the double shift and or the leave/shift on the one day.
This also allows the checking users to only check the leave or shift that they are allowed to, as the days are split and have their own check box/edit box.
Should an employee be posted to a day off but then clocks in, the day will also split to allow both, please then delete the day off, if the clocking transactions are now applicable.